Pooja Parkash
3 min readDec 20, 2020

There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing (Brian Tracy)

The most important thing in this era or in this age group is career and to be successful in career the thing that we need is to learn how to utilize TIME.

So today’s topic is about time how can we use our time and do not waste it. If time passes, it means it passed it never comes back. We all know the value of time but still we waste our time directly or indirectly. Why it happened? Because, of the technology like social media, But if we make positive use of social media so we can learn better things. We can read good quotes or blogs on mobile phone. We always do useless things on mobile that is not relate to our career. So how can we overcome from social media because it is a kind of addiction? We are habitual of is not my illusion not any theory it is a fact. In addition, we spend lots of time on social media but we gain nothing on that but loss many thing. Not just we waste our time but also our energy as well. Our mind is dull by using social media rather than being sharp. We can use social media in positive way as well.

The solution of avoiding using social media and utilize it in positive way is that questioning

Ask yourself that what I am doing right now and what my dream is after five years is this connected with this or not. You know everything but you cannot do anything because you are addicted to that social media. People ask we understand but we do not apply it practically.

Because it is my question, it must be your question ask question from yourself. Do you have sense of urgency that I waste my time I have to do something? Create fire in yourself that you have to do something for yourself, for improving your career and make your life successful. At that point, you have no distraction because you completely focus on your goal. I also use social media to aware people not for entertainment and fun. I use mobile phone for online courses for reading bible verse, for Quran recites, for Bhagwat geeta and all religious things. Because, with being motivational writer, I am also a student.

No one in this world can say that I can achieve my goals because they waste time. Some people know that time is important but they do not do anything because they do not want to do.

The purpose of your life should be so big that you do not sit comfortable.

Like I achieve all goals in my life but I do not waste my time because I have a purpose in my life, which is to achieve highest possibility of my brain. Mostly people think that we are not financially strong so how can we achieve our goal of life so the answer is no the purpose of your life is to achieve the highest possibility of your life. Moreover, financial freedom is one of its part. If you work from 9: am to5: pm, it means you work for money in your life. You did not work on yourself. You work for money.

Understanding of your life, your intellect, your body that you should think that what I do now what will be its consequences after five years. If you want to make goal of your life make goal like that what I will do after five years no one else can do it. These goals put energy in you. When you set your goal in this way, you built energy and you never think to waste your time. Achieve the highest possibility of your brain.

It takes skill to be real, time to heal each other

